Welcome to Berlin

Capital city of Berlin

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Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Why Berlin?

Berlin, a city full of history

1237 Official date of the foundation of the city. 1671 Foundation of the Jewish community of Berlin. 1709 Frederick I of Prussia decrees the unification of the five towns of Berlin, Cölln, Friedrichswerder, Dorotheenstadt and Friedrichstadt, thus forming the capital and royal residence of Berlin. 1791 The Brandenburg Gate is officially inaugurated, built by Carl Gotthard Langhans 1806 Napoleon marches with his troops through the Brandenburg Gate. He occupied the city until 1808. 1848 Social problems and restrictions on political freedom lead to the outbreak of a middle-class democratic revolt in March. 1871 Berlin becomes the capital of the Reich. 1902 The first line of the U-Bahn, the underground metro, comes into operation. 1933 Adolf Hitler's rise to power leads to the establishment of the National Socialist party and the end of democracy in Berlin and throughout Germany. 1938 With the annexation of Austria, Berlin becomes the capital of the Reich of the so-called "Greater Germany". On November 9, during the pogrom known as "Kristallnacht", the Nazis set fire to nine of the twelve synagogues in Berlin, ransacked the shops run by Jewish citizens and terrorized them, arresting 1,200 of them.

1943 During the autumn, Anglo-American forces begin a massive bombardment of the city. 1945 The Red Army reaches the city on 21 April and begins the battle to conquer the city, which culminates in Hitler's suicide and surrender. 1946-49 Growing conflicts of interest between the occupying forces over the reorganization of Europe and Germany in particular put an end to the joint administration of the Allied forces. Berlin becomes a key Cold War target. 1948 Conflicts over monetary reform and other tensions lead to the Berlin Blockade, the closure of all road and rail access to West Berlin by the Soviet Union, which lasted from June 1948 to May 1949. 1953 East Berlin workers building the Stalinallee went on strike against the increase in work quotas. The uprising spreads through several other East German cities. 1963 On January 17, Nikita Khrushchev, leader of the Soviet Union and secretary of the Communist Party visits East Berlin. US President John F. Kennedy visits the city on June 26 and in his famous speech in front of the Schöneberg town hall assures the Berliners his solidarity. 1987 All attempts to hold a joint celebration of the city's 750th anniversary fail. Each of the two portions of Berlin organizes its own events. 1989 The popular movement grows in East Germany, calling for reforms in line with the politics of "glasnost" and "perestroika". The country's leadership takes a defensive tone. Conflicts and tensions over the rules governing travel and movements lead to the government to give in to popular pressure and on November 9th it opens the doors of the Wall. 1990 Germany is formally reunified on 3 October


My favorite places in Berlin

An einem Sonntag im August

The "An einem Sonntag im August" cafe has been serving breakfast, coffee, and cake as well as the best veggie burgers in the neighbourhood for a long time in a cosy atmosphere. Sofas and grandmother's armchairs give the café, which becomes a bar in the evening, a welcoming living room atmosphere. On sunny days, you can also make yourself comfortable in the large outdoor area.


Kastanienallee 103, Prenzlauer Berg

2D Café Always Together

You become the main character against the black and white comic backdrop of the 2D café. The entire backdrop, including pictures and plants, is drawn here, and the tables, chairs and furniture are painted in such a way that the room looks like a 2D picture drawn on paper. The menu includes colourful shakes and bingsu, a Korean speciality based on condensed milk.


Große Hamburger Straße 24, Mitte

Café Eule at Gleisdreieckpark

Café Eule is somewhat hidden away, right next to the allotments on the western side of Gleisdreieckpark. Here you can sit cosily in the middle of the greenery under a blue sky with coffee and cake. Of course, you can also take a homemade lemonade with you for your walk through Gleisdreieckpark. In addition to sweet pastries, there are also changing lunch dishes, quiche, fresh salads and bowls. And ice cream for the little ones. Because a visit to Café Eule is at its best when the sun is shining.


First garden path to the left, Bülowstraße 69a, Kreuzberg


My photos from Berlin